If you are thinking of having a Reiki session with me, you may be feeling overwhelmed, out of balance, stressed or perhaps curious where your energy blockages are. A Reiki Chia session transforms your energy, where you can already feel lighter after just one session. I can often see this in your aura (energy field around your body) and in your face.
In the initial Reiki session, I will sit down with you in a consultation, where you can say as much or as little as you want. Then, you will move onto the couch, where you will lay on your back and relax, whilst I give you Reiki by having my hands above your body. This is where I channel Reiki on your chakras (energy centres), located in the centre line of your body. I do this by using my intuition and will also scan your chakras for energy blockages and look at how your energy flows. During the Reiki session, you may feel warmth, tingling or even see colours, which have various meanings and interpretations. For example, clients seeing the colour purple can indicate that they are opening up their intuition and are connecting with infinite wisdom.
After the Reiki Chia session, we have a feedback session where we discuss your Reiki experience and I will tell you what I picked up from your energy. Your chakras can tell me what you need to work on. I may also give you tools/ techniques/ book recommendations to help you after the Reiki session to incorporate in your everyday life and to work on in between Reiki sessions. You will also get to share your experience on what you felt and seen during the session. What I love about Reiki is all sessions and experiences are different no matter how many times you have it.
In a Reiki Chia session, the session is bespoke to you. One-to-one sessions can be done in person (here in Colchester, Essex, UK) or online.
Just last week, my client dropped me a message after their Reiki session and said: "Thank you Chia. I feel different after the Reiki. I haven’t felt like over-eating and I have more clarity about what I need."

If you would like to book in for a Reiki session, you can call me or drop me a message on 07947 497 198 or chia@reikichia.com
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